Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013

Acne Treatments That Work - 3 Simple But Amazing Tips to No More Acne

Acne Treatments That Work - 3 Simple But Amazing Tips to No More Acne

Acne among teenagers has been a problem but a huge profitable industry for the pharmaceutical companies. This niche has been growing steadily over the years. All teenagers wants to look good and who wants to have zits all over their face. Therefore there are various types of medication claiming to be the miracle cure for acne and these are being bought by the teenagers in trying to get rid of their acne.

 However the medication are not cheap. It can cost as low as $20.00 to as high as $200.00. But alas after using such medication the acne appears to be gone but would return later very much worse then before. So the moral of this article is beware, do not be conned of your hard earned money by false advertisements by the pharmaceutical industry.

Get Rid of Acne Now and Forever Using 8 Natural Cures For Acne

Get Rid of Acne Now and Forever Using 8 Natural Cures For Acne

Acne is a Greek word meaning spot or point. It is a skin disease but not dangerous however it can be very unpleasant to see. When acne appears they tend to be several spot or point like on the patient's face, neck, chest, shoulders and back. It is caused by the clogging of the tiny hair follicles. It is characterized by unsightly and often painful lesions on the surface of the skin and below.

Acne is widespread especially during adolescence and a lot of people experience acne at some point during their lifetime. There are many myths about what causes and cures acne. However sadly, scientists up to this stage of modern and advanced technological knowledge has not been able to find a medical cure for acne.

The Teenagers' Do it Yourself Manual on Homemade Acne Treatment - The Secret Magic Revealed

The Teenagers' Do it Yourself Manual on Homemade Acne Treatment - The Secret Magic Revealed

Have you spend hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars for your acne? After spending so much you still have the acne. So do not waste your money on false hope of a miracle medical cure for your acne. Scientists have confirmed that even after sending men to the moon we have not yet found a medical cure for acne. What you have been using are merely to treat the symptoms of acne. That is just to clear the acne but not the root cause.

That is why even after spending so much your acne seems to be a permanent feature on your face. Keep your money do not spent it on wasteful medical treatments which would do you more harm than good. Do not despair as I am now going to reveal to you the teenagers' Do It Yourself manual on homemade acne treatments as follow:-

1. Do not eat oily food. Go for stew especially vegetable stew. It is wholesome and healthy too.
2. Drink a lot of water. Try and drink more than 10 glasses a day. You would feel better.
3. Sleep well. You must ensure that you sleep more than 8 hours every night. You would find yourself more relaxed and stronger after a good night sleep.

The Magic has been revealed. Now it is up to you to follow the above steps diligently. If you follow this Do It Yourself secret you would surely get rid of your acne. However it may take at least a month before you can see any results. But if you need a faster and quicker version of the secret read on the following:

Thousands of teenagers around the world has tried the forbidden secret and got rid of their acne within 3 days. To know and get this secret just Click Here

Acne Cures - Is There a Natural Acne Cure That Works?

Acne Cures - Is There a Natural Acne Cure That Works?

Is there a natural acne cure that actually works? Or is it just a MYTH conjured by unscrupulous businessmen in selling their purported acne miracle cure? Are all acne sufferers destined to forever battling their acne symptoms? Are they forever under the mercy of large pharmaceutical companies buying their drugs, creams and whatever acne treatments available?

Almost all the skin specialists have confirmed that there is no medical cure for the acne. They are only familiar with the symptoms and they are highly trained just to clear and treat the symptoms. They are not trained or taught on the causes of acne. They do not know what the underlying factors that caused acne are.

When you seek the skin specialist treatment for your acne they would more often than not merely give you some drug and creams to temporary calm the symptoms of acne. This is a huge conspiracy by the pharmaceutical companies and in cahoots with the medical profession to forever supply you with medication that only calms the symptoms of acne.

In the treatment of acne we must use the analogy of the mosquitoes in order to understand this problem. All of us know that the mosquitoes thrive in a stale water locked pond. To kill all the mosquitoes chemicals are used around the pond. With the use of the chemicals all traces of mosquitoes are gone. However the source of this problem is the stale water locked pond which is very conducive for the mosquitoes to find food and lay their eggs. Without cleaning the pond the mosquitoes would always come back.

This same condition also happens to our acne. Until we clear the pond the mosquitoes would return. We need to clean our body system in order to get rid of the acne. But we must also understand the fundamental process of why we have acne in the first place. This are actually messages from our own body that something is not right in our body system. It is telling us that we need to do something in order to correct this hormonal imbalance.

To know more about this condition I strongly urge you to read the Acne No More Ebook. The Ebook would easily explain why our acne happens and that something is terribly wrong with our body system. Get the Ebook before something even worse would happen. Click Here Now